I picked up this seemingly innocuous little humor book in a gift store in Park City, Utah never knowing that it would turn out to singlehandedly change my view of aging as a single women in today's world. Don't get me wrong, it is hilarious, but it also makes a LOT of sense and covers the realities of life for women of our age still open to love and affection.
In some ways it's very practical - discussing beauty tips and the like but it also helps a woman negotiate the tricky terrain of situational ethics. Some of the ideas may be surprising, but I found it absolutely riveting and read it in two nights. I think you might love it, too!
I'm not sure if your local library will have it, but it's not expensive at all if you buy it used online [ just click the link and see what people are selling it for.After I read it I went back and bought a few more copies and gave it as gifts to some of my single girlfriends.